Real Madrid need a sharp striker read why they need to get rid of benzma''

Dont know why people started associating Benzema's undisputed starts in the team with his partnership with Cristiano.
There are various reasons why I think that's complete bull sh**t and it has created a bias towards Benzema despite his poor performances.

I say this because -

If I wanted a striker , I'd take a goal scorer over someone who helps in building play . That's what a striker should do. It was all good as far as Benz was scoring but after Morata continued to score and was still left out I was infuriated. Then I see this trash logic of Benzema helping Ronaldo more .
Get it straight guys , most of our assists come from our wings and Benzema is diffident as fuck when he's in the flanks.

And if I already had a great goal scorer like Cristiano who wanted to play as an inside forward, then I would never use an out an out striker, like Benzema Who almost acts crippled when given the ball at the wings .
Instead I would either go for James as a False 9, Or Cristiano as a pure striker and someone confident on the wings . Like Asensio or Vasquez.

Now for all the arguments coming my way.
Lets look at some stats -
Benzema has 5 assists for the whole of last season.
James has 6 in half the minutes compared to Benzema.
And Even Morata has 5 assists in half the minutes.
There's no question over who was the Better striker last season.
Morata scored 15 and Benzema could only manage 11 , equal to James in twice the time.

Moreover Benzema looks completely out of sorts whenever he is on the flank , except for that trick he pulled off against Atletico.
It's frustrating to see him crippled on the wing missing crossing chances that someone like Marcelo or James could make great use of .

And most of their chances last season were created by Marcelo and Carvajal. This means they don't need him for that build up from the centre because that amounts to nothing much .
And Benzema on wings is a disaster.

Heck , even Ronaldo on the wings has become timid. He has lost his dribbling and he's better playing as a complete striker.
But his reluctance to do so is worrying .
It seems that he doesn't want to give up his image of a goal scoring winger, the veracity of which is highly doubtful, as he has most of the impact inside the box . And most of his time is spent in the centre with literally nothing being done on the flanks.
Tbh if it wasn't for Marcelo there to help us , we'd have been complete goners in that area.

I'd preferably like to see Ronaldo in the Centre. And a good crosser of the ball on the flanks.
But if he continues to play as false winger , then I'd go for James as a False 9
Because, the switching between James and Ronaldo would be as fluid as wit Benzema, but we'll have an overall better wing player in form of James .
And if I ever had to defend Benzema, the only valid thing I would say is that he's a quality striker who has been consistent for many seasons, and not that his partnership with Cristiano is exceptional because he doesn't have the numbers to justify that argument.
If you wanna know what a solid attacking partnership looks like , then we need to look no further than the MSN .
Last season they scored 111 goals with 51 assists amongst themselves.
Cristiano and Benzema as partners don't even come close.


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