''LETTER to Iker Kasillas-From Madridstas''

 ''Dear Iker,

It has been two years since you left us. You know it almost broke my heart. Because I had always believed that you and Real Madrid were never meant to bel apart. But maybe it was just meant to be and I could do nothing but just wait and see you leave.

News came in that FC Porto is now your new home. That day was one of the hardest days of my life. I was sad all day and cried all night. Next day I didn't even remember when I fell asleep last night but one thing was for sure, that you were there even in my dreams. Next day tears were not much in my eyes, maybe they had dried or had made me little bit stronger to cope with the truth. But it was not that easy.

I opened my phone but it was full of notifications regarding you. Every social media post was saying goodbye to you. My wound got greener and I could not think what should I do. I threw away my phone down on the floor so that I would stay away from social media but it did not help much. Everyone was just talking about you and every-time when I heard your name, tears left their traces down my face.

After few days our season kicked off. When I went through our lineup, I was almost shocked. Because I still could not believe that I will never see you again in a Real Madrid jersey. I could not think what should I do, turn off the t.v. or shift my loyalty. Illusions took over my head. All I could think was,

"How will I deal with it when I'll hear commentator shouting Navas instead of Casillas?"

"How will I deal with it when I'll see some other goalkeeper giving commands to the team instead of you ?"

Well I don't blame you but I blame me and many other fans like me. There came many occasions when your efforts went unnoticed. There were many occasions when we praised others for our win and blamed you for our loss. You deserved much better and I am sorry we could not give you the respect you deserved. But you never complained and we never noticed. Now when I go through old videos, I feel guilty.

There came many occasions when fans booed you. Why did they boo you? Did not they know how great you are? They still booed you and wanted you to leave. Our board fulfilled their wish but even they miss you now! You left leaving tears in my eyes and many others like me.

Time passed by and somehow me and other fans got over it. Things have now changed. Our team, our coach, our captain everything has changed but one thing that is still unchanged is your legacy. No one can change that. Does not matter how much others try to replicate you but the truth is no one can ever replace you.

I know you are doing fine with your new club. You hear that club's fans cheering your name in every game. But we Madrid fans still miss you. You are there in my heart and also in the hearts of many others like me. You will always have that sweet place in our hearts. You are my legend, you are my icon, you are my beloved 'Saint Iker'. Please return and retire at our club if you can.

Yours faithful,
Me and my fellow Madridistas


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