Family of Five Poison To Death At Ndieke umuatuegwu okija Photos''

Happing live @ Ndieke umuatuegwu okija as a family was posion
What wicked world
Can't believe this

Information coming from the villages said that the incident started on Wednesday 9ht August as the woman finish cooking and then after her husband came back from okada work and was served food so as he was eating wit his three children the man fail down and started vomiting blood some mins after one of his son started also not to long all of them started vomiting blood and was rushed to the hospital and have been dying one after the other since that day and on Friday the wife slumped as she can't face her self losing her family and also gave up this morning wish make the villages to assembled they Corpse so they can go for investigation
#Families_dispute_too_bad #Enemies_welding_very_dead

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