Message to ''Messi and ''Ronaldo Fanboy's

I have been longing to write this article. This is for all the 'fanboys' who call themselves football fans. I request everyone to read it and share it as well.

Who are fanboys? The fans who support a particular player rather than supporting a team. The most cancerous people alive. The 'fans' who have no respect for other players or teams, just their favourite player. We all know in today's fan world, most fans are fanboys, and this is degrading the quality as well as the image of the footballing world.

I'm gonna address the two biggest groups of fanboys rn, the messi and ronaldo fanboys. These people are responsible for inventing cancerous names like Pessi, Penaldo, Gaynaldo etc. Now, lets take a look at who pessi and penaldo are. Pessi and Penaldo are the top 2 footballers in the world rn. They have broken almost every goalscoring record there is to break. They have won almost every footballing award there is to win. Because of them, the likes of xavi, iniesta, puyol, ramos, casillas, alonso, torres, lampard, robben, ribery etc couldnt even think about winning the balon dor. They've dominated football for the past 9 years now. Everytime there is a talk about who's going to win the balon dor, there is only one competition, that is, between Pessi and Penaldo. Thats how big their careers are.

Now, what wrong have these legends done to get this amount of hate from their rivals's fanbase? Absolutely Nothing. Its just the stupidity of the fanboys that generates this hate. if youre a messi fanboy, you will hate if ronaldo scores or even wins something and vice versa, and this is what has made both barcelona and madrid fans a laughing stock. We fight like immature kids, rather than enjoying the legends. If you wanna hate something, hate the club, although i would strongly advise against it. There is a difference between hating a player and a rival club.

I'm a MANCHESTER UNITED fan. But imo, if you follow ronaldo, you'll gain confidence. You will see a positive attitude, something fanboys miss. Why should i hate Ronaldo? I would love to see madrid lose, but i would never celebrate if ronaldo loses. See the difference. True fans would understand. I'm sure there are madrid fans who would love to see barca lose and but respect Messi. That is the way it should be.

The two greatest footballers of the modern era are the two most hated footballers in the world rn, just because of the fanboys. The way messi and ronaldo have changed football, they should be deeply respected, irrespective of the club you support, but instead, they're called names. I remember in the 2016 classico, when there was a minute silence in the memory of the late johan cuyff, some fans were busy booing ronaldo. The man who gave us our identity, even he doesnt mean anything to them, because for them, hating ronaldo was everything. That was the first and the only time i was ashamed to be a barcelona fan.

If you want to be a fanboy, its alright. But that doesnt give you the right to disrepect any other rival player. Sometimes, throwing a banter is fine, its a part of football, but there has to be a limit


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