Heart broken Jermain Defoe paid an emotional tribute to Bradley Lowery on his funeral

Heart broken Jermain Defoe paid an emotional tribute to Bradley Lowery on his funeral. He called him his best friend as he wrote :

''Goodbye my friend, going to miss you lots. I feel so blessed God brought you into my life and had some amazing moments with you and for that I'm so grateful.

'I'll never ever forget the way you looked at me when I met you for the first time, the genuine love in those cute eyes.

'Really finding it hard to find words to express what you mean to me. The way you say my name, your little smiles, when the cameras come out like a little superstar and the love I felt when I was with you.

'Your courage and bravery will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life. You will never know what a difference you made to me as a person. God has you in his arms and I will always carry you in my heart. Sleep tight little one. My best friend.'

Rest in peace Bradley Lowery. We'll miss that beautiful smiling face of yours. Goodbye

There is only one Bradley Lowery


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